James Tour Discovery: Mystery of the Origin of Life
This video explains why origin of life scientists are clueless. They don’t have the the faintest idea of how the basic cell is formed from dead chemicals — by unguided processes that did not have us in mind.
Presentation is by James Tour, a highly cited synthetic organic chemist at Rice University. He has authored over 600 scientific publications and holds more than 120 patents. He joined a thousand other scientists in signing the “Scientific Dissent from Darwinism.” He is a thorn in the side of the origin of life research community, offering blunt assessments of the current state of origin of life research.[1]See here for some of the controversy.
The cell as a self sustaining replicating factory
Darwin thought the cell was just a simple speck of jelly-like protoplasm. So his unbridled imagination led him to speculate that the first life might easily originate from a warm pond somewhere on earth.
The truth is that the cell has astounding organized complexity filled with nano-machinery, digital information, encoded engineering blueprints, and an arrangement of thousands of purposeful parts. The lack of detailed chemical pathways and a world buzzing with plan and purpose indicates that a transcendental Supreme Intelligence is implicated.
In the animal cell below, the Nucleus is an information rich database and control center. The Endoplasmic Reticulum is an assembly line. Ribosomes are complex work benches. The Mitochndrion is a power house. The Golgi is a distribution network. The Cytoskeleton is a support structure. The Cell Membrane is a security gate.